Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A New Experience

Ambrocio and friends go out for a bike ride.

Ambrocio Almanza a freshman at South East High School described his break as restful and sort of relaxtive. Ambrocio was bored one afternoon and decided to call to call some of his friends so that they could go have fun. After Ambrocio and his pals had their bikes ready to go they packed water bottles if they were to get thirsty and headed out to the river bank. They all enjoyed the bike all except the person fell off his bike,(ambrocio's friend). Ambrocio said, " Riding his bike on the riverbed was a cool experience for me and my friends." Ambrocio said," it was cool and all but I ran out of water and dying of thirst."

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Abuse Hurts Kids Everywhere

By Ambrocio Almanza & Alejandro Baltazar

Abuse is happening everywhere what can you do to stop it.

Abuse happens everywhere in the U.S and many other countries. It might even occur in your area, to your kids or someone else’s kid. It is estimated that about 960,000 kids are victims of abuse or neglect every year. Child abuse is the act of physical, verbal, sexual, and mental damage done to a minor by an adult using force to correct or get what he needs from a child. Physical abuse of children at an all time high. Some people think it’s okay to hit their kids or any kids.

Studies show that at least one parent in the family tends to be the abusive one that harms a child any way they can. Children who get abused sexually are often so traumatized from the incident that it causes them to change mentally, become mute, and often prefer to be isolated from society. According to Joanna Joasin from the article Child Abuse and Neglect.

Teens don’t like to talk about the abuse that’s going on at their house because they don’t want their parents to get into trouble or to be taken away from them, but if it happens to be a stranger then the teen wouldn’t hesitate to report it to the authorities or their parents. There are students at South East High School who have parents who hit them and attack them verbally.

An Anonymous student at SEHS said, “When my parents get mad at me for doing something bad they hit me.” The student said, “There are a lot of problems that go on in my house, this causes stress for my parents making them want to empty their anger and frustration towards me because that’s how they were treated as a child.” As the student said he has issues in his house. Maybe that is the cause of all this abuse going on. He hopes that this abuse will stop.

At SEHS there are counselors that deal with child abuse. Any of the counselors in the counseling office in SEHS will be glad if you talk them about your abuse or any other issue. This anonymous student isn’t the only student here at this school that was abused. Whether it was verbal, physical, or sexual its still abuse and a crime. Teens in school may get abused everyday with no one knowing about it. The school needs to know what happens at your home because they want to help students in any way they can. This way students their can achieve their goals in life without being abused.

The main reason that children are being abused is because parents are sometimes drug users or alcoholics. Those are the two main reasons because when someone is under the influence of either one they have no self-control over their actions at the time. The parent who is under- the- influence the time may do something that they will end up regretting later on.

A junior from SEHS said, “When my dad is drunk my dad starts hitting me out of no where.” Our
school doesn’t know which child gets abused. It’s been said by some parents that if a child is abused then it’s likely that they will abuse their own children as an adult. SEHS does its best to make sure that teens don’t get hurt at home.

The school is there to help a teen whenever they are in need of help from the abuse that goes on at home. Another source that couldn’t be revealed told us that he was abused verbally and physically when he was younger by his dad. Abuse happens everywhere and we may not know where it happens, but we can make sure that teens that do get abused get the help they need, so their parents will stop abusing them.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

In the Future...(G.O.S.S INTERVIEW)

Diego Munoz a freshman at South East High School says that his goal is to be a proffesional soccer player in the major leagues.

Diego's goal is to become pro-soccer player and to do that he may have to over come some obstacles. Diego said," seeing soccer being played on t.v. looked fun and exciting." Ever since then he played soccer so that he could get better and better.Diego knew that some obstacles had to come sooner or later and so they did.

Diego said, " the obstacles I have to overcome are school and the major leagues and these are not so easy obstacles." I agree with Diego's obstacles because those are the hardest to overcome but this won't stop him from accomplishing his goal. To solve these problems he will have to study harder and practice everyday in the soccer team he is in.This goal came to be when he was a small boy, while watching a soccer game on T.V. with his favorite team in league Mexico.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Code of Ethics

Preamble: We as journalists make sure to give you honesty and truth in every word that we publish to you. Our job is to provide you and the audiences all around with correct information and facts.We give you data on recent events and issues. Every journalist must know that our job is to serve the public with honesty and respect. We want you to believe in our work that is credible we will go to any extent to write the truth and nothing more.

Seek Truth and Report It

1.As journalists we are to test the accuracy of our information so hat we can avoid any errors in our published work.

2. The most important rule is to never plagiarize or name others peoples work as ours unless we use quotes.

Minimize Harm
  1. We should treat those who are affected by events and or issues with the same respect that they would give us.
2.To be cautiuos with any news that reveals the identities of young people who are accused of sex crimes and who are victims of it.

Act Independently
  1. Avoid conflicts of interest.
2.We have the right to refuse any gifts or fees, and etc. from the public its not we are supposed to do, its wrong because we should only be doing what we are supposed to be doing and not deserve any special treatment for our work.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Farewell To Summer

I asked Ambrocio some questions about his summer and he replied that it was somewhat exciting and boring at the same time. And so I ask him what he had done he said “that he went to the movies, go skateboarding, and who can’t forget Six Flags where he had been invited to.” I asked him why his summer was boring, “because he didn’t get to see everyone he knew all summer like school.” He was happy that he got a chance to meet the dancing old man from Six Flags.