Thursday, October 1, 2009

Code of Ethics

Preamble: We as journalists make sure to give you honesty and truth in every word that we publish to you. Our job is to provide you and the audiences all around with correct information and facts.We give you data on recent events and issues. Every journalist must know that our job is to serve the public with honesty and respect. We want you to believe in our work that is credible we will go to any extent to write the truth and nothing more.

Seek Truth and Report It

1.As journalists we are to test the accuracy of our information so hat we can avoid any errors in our published work.

2. The most important rule is to never plagiarize or name others peoples work as ours unless we use quotes.

Minimize Harm
  1. We should treat those who are affected by events and or issues with the same respect that they would give us.
2.To be cautiuos with any news that reveals the identities of young people who are accused of sex crimes and who are victims of it.

Act Independently
  1. Avoid conflicts of interest.
2.We have the right to refuse any gifts or fees, and etc. from the public its not we are supposed to do, its wrong because we should only be doing what we are supposed to be doing and not deserve any special treatment for our work.

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