Saturday, October 31, 2009

In the Future...(G.O.S.S INTERVIEW)

Diego Munoz a freshman at South East High School says that his goal is to be a proffesional soccer player in the major leagues.

Diego's goal is to become pro-soccer player and to do that he may have to over come some obstacles. Diego said," seeing soccer being played on t.v. looked fun and exciting." Ever since then he played soccer so that he could get better and better.Diego knew that some obstacles had to come sooner or later and so they did.

Diego said, " the obstacles I have to overcome are school and the major leagues and these are not so easy obstacles." I agree with Diego's obstacles because those are the hardest to overcome but this won't stop him from accomplishing his goal. To solve these problems he will have to study harder and practice everyday in the soccer team he is in.This goal came to be when he was a small boy, while watching a soccer game on T.V. with his favorite team in league Mexico.

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